2020 – Step 2: The Ghost of an Unlived Life

"Cosmeticize - (verb) - the make something unpleasant or ugly appear superficially attractive." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aDFsG86zuU ​The Trip of a Lifetime on Earth is short.  ​Human postpones - procrastinates.  For today - The Universe OFFERS a "Pop-Quiz."  No one has to take the "quiz" today - it's a choice.  There's only one question - "how can I … Continue reading 2020 – Step 2: The Ghost of an Unlived Life

Step 327: Sunday Blessings – Skittles

"Confluence - (noun) - the act or process of merging.  A flowing together of two or more streams." Educating the Mind without educating the Heart is NOT education - at all.  Is it possible to choose correctly without "seeing?"  Skittles candy pieces are all the same flavor - but the brain tricks Human into thinking … Continue reading Step 327: Sunday Blessings – Skittles

Step 239: Arc of Inspiration

"Sanguine - (adjective) - cheerfully optimistic, hopeful or confident - (noun) - a red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings." In the East it's called - "Dragon Power."  In the West it's called "The Hand of God."  No matter what you call it - when Human is receptive to the 'twists and turns' - Inspiration … Continue reading Step 239: Arc of Inspiration

Step 84: Waiting……..

"There are no perfect people in this world, only perfect intentions."  ~Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves ​Old and new.  Passion and duty.  Creative and rational.  What has been and what needs to be.  Conflict serves a purpose.  Sometimes the sacrifice ​is not one OR the other -  but rather - it's the idea that … Continue reading Step 84: Waiting……..