2020 – Trust Your Self Above ALL Others

“In threatening and survival situations, we look for evidence of hope – a small sign that the situation may improve. When an abuser/controller shows the victim some small kindness, even though it is to the abusers benefit as well, the victim interprets that small kindness as a positive trait of the captor.”  ~Dr. Carver (Love … Continue reading 2020 – Trust Your Self Above ALL Others

Step 361: Learning Group – Delabilization

"Impervious - (adjective) - not allowing entrance or passage - not capable of being damaged or harmed - not capable of being affected or disturbed." One generation ago Human entered the 21st Century.  What a ride - returning to the past in the future.   Realization - not a machine - offers clarity.  It's never … Continue reading Step 361: Learning Group – Delabilization

Step 304: Undiscovered Treasure

"It's all going to be okay in the end.  If it's not okay, it's because it's not the end."  ~Sonny Kapoor (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) Welcome to November.  Unconventional choices are often the result of errors.  Blessings in Disguise.  Time to check "expiration dates" on unused items - unproductive habits - unhealthy relationships.  Find … Continue reading Step 304: Undiscovered Treasure

Step 44: Right on Time!

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."  ~Arthur Schopenhauer Unexpected clarity.  Undiscovered Truth. Notice the details!  A door is closing.  It will not open again until 2096.  Few of us will be around that far in the future - we … Continue reading Step 44: Right on Time!